Latest Events welcome to my world

Photos from 31-5-2013 ------The day!

From Graduation Ceremony on 31-5-2013

From the defense day on 5-4-2013

Mohammad Aljaradin Graduation party
Arabic short introduction for the Thesis Short Video from Thesis Presentation! 5-4-2013

Cairo 18-5-2013
The winning Team on the match 16-12-2012

PTA basketball game 2-12-2012

The wining Team of LTH football tournament 2012

Jordan Wadi Rum. July 10-13, 2012

Houston, Texas, USA.June 25-29, 2012

Prague, Czech Republic 8th March, 2012

PTA basketball game 25-11-2011
Dubi Visit November 2011

Fathi Graduation 25-11-2011

Sardinia - Italy

Raed Graduation 21/3/2011

Department Party 10/12/ 2010

Ystad -Department Visit 19-9-2010

To see more Click @ picture and Link!
 Norway-Oslo Sweden-Halmstad Spain-Barcelona
Austria-Vienna Czech Republic-Prague