Scholarships and Awards

Ministry of Education
Scholarship from Ministry of Higher Education, Tafila College for Diploma Degree in Chemical Engineering (1993).

Al-Balqa Applied University
Scholarship from Al-balqa Applied University, Engineering Technology College for Bachelor Degreein Chemical Engineering

Scholarship from Erasmus Munds External Program Lot 3, For Doctoral Degree in Lund University,Sweden(2009).
Shields and Awards

Tafila Technical University
University Shield, For achievements during work at Tafila Technical University(2009).
Funded Conferences

Fundfrom the Center of Middle Eastern studies,
Lund, Sweden, to participate in the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, between 19th - 24th Jul. 2010. Barcelona, Spain.

Fund from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Innsbruck University, Austria, to participate in the International and interdisciplinary conference and workshop (Handshake across the Jordan - Water and Understanding)between 26th - 29th of Sep. 2010. Pella, Jordan.

Fund from Erasmus and Lund University, Sweden, to participate in the 1st International Conference on Final Sinks, between 23rd -25th Sep. 2010. Vienna, Austria.

Fund from The Swedish research council Formas , Sweden for participating in the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. , October 3-7, 2011,Sardinia, Italy .

Fund from Ångpanneföreningens Forskningsstiftelse to participate in Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. October 3-7, 2011,Sardinia, Italy .

Fund from the Center of Middle Eastern studies, Lund, Sweden,to participate in the international
conference on Water Energy and the Environment. 14-17th November 2011,
at the American university of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Fund from the Åke och Greta Lissheds Stiftelse, for my work Evaluation of the daily cover soil in
Mafraq landfill –Jordan using Hydras 2d simulation

Fund from the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund, Sweden, to participate in the International Conference on Water Energy and the Environment.
14-17th November 2011,American university of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Fund from the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund, Sweden, to participate in the International Conference for Agriculture and Irrigation
in The Nile Basin Countries from 26-29.March.2012 at Minia University, Egypt.
Shield and Awards
