Education, appointments, rewards
1970 Civilingenjör Väg-o-Vatten (Master of Science Civil Engineering), Lund Inst. Technology/Univ. of Lund
1973 Dr Engineering, Hydraulics and Hydrology,Lund Inst. Technology/Univ. of Lund
1973 Docent Hydraulics and Hydrology Lund Inst. Technology/Univ. of Lund
1974 Universitetslektor (Associated professor) Water Resources Engineering, Univ. of Luleå (appointed by the government)
1975 The J. Gust. Richerts reward for the best Swedish thesis in the last three years
1977 Professor Water Resources Engineering, Univ. of Luleå (appointed by the government)
1982 The J.F. Schreyer fellowship for research on cold climate problems
1982 Professor Hydrology, Uppsala University (appointed by the government)
1989 Professor Water Resources Engineering, Lund Technical Univ.(appointed by the government)
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1970-73 Research engineer, Dep. Hydraulics, Lund Inst. Technology/Univ. of Lund
1973-74 Assistant professor, Dep. Civil and Coastal Engineering, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., USA
1974-77 Associated professor (university lecturer), head of Div. Water Resources Engineering, Univ. of Luleå
1977-82 Professor, Div. Water Resources Engineering, Univ. of Luleå
1980 Guest researcher (2 months) VITUKI, Budapest, Hungary
1982-83 Visiting professor, Dep. Civil Engineering, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1983-90 Professor, Div. Hydrology, Uppsala Univ. (appointed from 1982)
1990- Professor, Dept. Water Resources Engineering, Lund Technical Univ. (appointed 1989)
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1974 Consultant (4 months), Water and Air Research, Gainesville, Fla.
1974 Consultant (2 months), Sydkraft, Malmö
1983-85 Consultant (20%) AIB, Solna
1986- Consultant work for MALVA AB, Stockholm
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1978 Hans Kvarnäs (fil dr), Div. Hydrology, Uppsala Univ. (lake physics).
1980 Rolf Deiegaard (tech lic), Inst. Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, Technical Univ. of Denmark (sediment transport).
1981 Torbjörn Svensson (tekn dr), Dep. Hydraulics, Chalmers Technical Univ. (estuary physics).
1981 Basem Eid (Ph D), Dep. Civil Engineering, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario (written evaluation only).
1985 Janusz Niemczynowicz (tekn dr), Dep. Water Resources Engineering, Lund Inst. Science and Technology/Univ. Lund (urban hydrology).
1985 Sven Lyngfelt (tekn dr), Dep. Hydraulics, Chalmers Technical Univ. (urban hydrology).
1991 Juha Sarkulla (fil dr), Dep. Geophysics, Tartu Univ. (lake and estuary physics)
1993 Zhaojun Xia (Ph D), Dep. Geography, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ont., Canada (permafrost hydrology - written evaluation only)
1994 Timo Huutala (fil dr), Dep. Geophysics, Helsinki Univ. (lake sedimentation)
1995 Lars-Göran Gustafsson (tech lic), Dep. Hydraulics, Chalmers Technical Univ. (urban hydrology).
1996 Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen (Ph.D.)-(also censor in 1995), Dep. Sanitary Engineering, Denmark Tech. Univ. (urban hydrology)
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Member of doctoral committees outside my own faculty
1984 Royal Institute Technology Land and Water Resources, Jan-Erik Gustafsson: Water resources development in the people
1986 Royal Institute Technology Water Resources Engineering, Vladimir Cvetkovic: Analysis of high velocity flow and solute transport in heterogeneous porous media.
1987 Lund University Water Resources Engineering, Hans Hanson, Modeling coastal sediment transport.
1988 Royal Institute Technology Water Resources Engineering, Kung Chen-Shan: Numerical simulation of free surface flow in two dimensions.
1989 Royal Institute Technology Water Resources Engineering, James Ngana: Planning rainfed agriculture using soil moisture balance and stochastic rainfall.
1991 Chalmers Institute Technology Hydraulics, Gustavo Perrusquia: Bedload transport in storm sewers
1991 Lund University Limnology, Vladimir Vanek: Groundwater flow to lakes and coastal waters - methods and some ecological consequences.
1991 Lund University Mathematical Physics, Göran Hellström: Ground heat storage, thermal analysis of duct storage system.
1991 Royal Institute Technology Hydraulics, Anders Wörman: Interfacial sediment transport.
1992 Royal Institute Technology Hydraulics, Joakim Harlin: Hydrological modelling of extreme floods in Sweden.
1994 Lund University Food Engineering, Kenneth M Persson: Characterization and fouling studies of MF and UF membranes.
1994 Royal Institute Technology Water Resources Engineering, L Xie: Convective transport coupled with nonlinear kinetic sorption.
1997 Royal Institute Technology Water Resources Engineering, Sten Berglund: Groundwater contamination: Significance of hydrochemical processes for remediation and impact evaluation.
1997 Royal Institute Technology, Hydraulics, Sam Johansson: Leakage detection in dams.
1997 Lund University Palaeolimnology, Jury Vasiliev: Simulating the paleorecord of northern European lakes using a coupled lake-catchment model.
1997 Luleå Technical University Sanitary Engineering, Maria Viklander: Snow quality in urban areas.
1997 Swedish Agricultural University, Manfred Stähli: Heat and water transfer in the frozen soil environment.
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Recent memberships of doctoral committees at the School of Civil Engineering
1991 Building material, M Hassanzadeh
1992 Traffic planning and Engineering, Leif Linderholm: Traffic safety evaluation measures. Development of a method and its applications to how physical layouts influence bicyclists at signalized intersections.
1992 Engineering Geology, Gerhard Barmen: On the combination of isotope hydrogeology with regional flow and transport modelling.
1994 Water and Environmental Engineering, Per Johansson: SIPHOR - a kinetic model for simulation of biological phosphate removal.
1995 Water and Environmental Engineering, Henrik Aspengren: Evaluation of a high loaded activated sludge process for biological phosphorous removal.
1995 Traffic planning and Engineering, Karin Brundell-Freij: Indirect methods to measure traffic safety.
1996 Water and Environmental Engineering, Hans Carlsson: Biological methods for phophorous removal.
1996 Traffic planning and Engineering, Lars Ekman: On the treatment of flow in traffic safety analysis.
1996 Building physics, Thomas Blomberg: Heat conduction in two and three dimensions.
1997 Structural mechanics, Agnes Nagy
1998 Structural mechanics, Staffan Svensson Present international commitments (incl. editorial board int. journals)
1987- Swedish representative IHP-project Northern Research Basins.
1988- Editorial Board of the journal Nordic Hydrology.
1989- Editorial Board of the IAHR journal Hydraulic Research.
1994- Editorial Board of Kluwer book series Water Science and Technology
1994- Member Stockholm Water Prize committee.
1998- Member Int Scientific Committee WATER 99, Brisbane.
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Nordic Hydrological Society (NHF), American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).
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