OFFICE                                                                                                                           HOME


          Professor, D.Sc.

          Department of Water Resources Engineering

          Lund University                                                                                 Vagnmakargränden 16

Box 118, S-221 00 Lund                                                                             S-224 56 Lund

Sweden                                                 Sweden

Ph: +46 46 222 8987                                                                               +46 705 128 311







Date of birth : April 21, 1952 

Place of birth: Stora Kopparberg, Sweden

Marital status: Married, three children  





1975       M.S. in Civil Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology/University of Lund, Lund, Sweden 


1987       Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology/University of Lund, Lund, Sweden 


1988       Associate Professor, Dept. of Water Resources Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology/University of Lund, Lund, Sweden 


2000       Professor, Dept. of Water Resources Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology/University of Lund, Lund, Sweden 



PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                                                           


    1975‑76       Swedish Navy  


    1976‑           Lund Institute of Technology/ 

University of Lund, Lund, Sweden  

Research and lecturing ‑         Coastal Processes

Coastal Engineering

Sea Level Rise Issues

Lecturing ‑                              Basic Fluid Mechanics

Receiving Water Hydraulics

Integrated Coastal Zone Management

1988-                     VBB Consulting Engineers, part-time employment

    1993-2008   SSPA Maritime Engineering AB

    2002-2018   Head of Dept. of Water Resources Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology/University of Lund, Lund, Sweden 






          Swedish - Native


          English - Excellent in speech, reading, and writing


          French - Fair in speech, poor in reading and writing


          German - Fair in speech, poor in reading and writing


          Spanish – Fair in speech, poor in reading and writing



SOCIETY AFFILIATIONS                                                                                                       


Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science (IVA)


Member, Lund University Royal Physiological Society


Member, Swedish Water Association



RESEARCH EXPERIENCE                                                                                                     


Field studies on harbor shoaling


Physical modeling of wave motions in harbors


          Numerical modeling of shoreline evolution  


Dredging criteria for environment protection


Sediment threshold under oscillatory waves 


Field studies on longshore sediment transport  


Sea-level rise issues


Coastal Zone Management





1979       Sweden‑Japan Foundation for Research and Development Scholarship  


1983       King Oscar II Scholarship


1988             Swedish Natural Science Research Council Post Doctoral Fellowship


1989             The Thernwall Engineering Sciences Award


2001             The Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association

               Jim Purpura/T. Y. Chiu Engineering Award


         2014      The city of Ystad named one of their swimming piers “Professor Hans

                       Hanson’s pier”


        2015      Gold medal from HM King Carl XVI Gustaf and HM Queen Silvia for

                     "Meritorious Contributions Concerning Erosion Problems”


        2016     The Water Prize from the Swedish Association for Water for “Longterm

                    Work on Coastal Erosion - International and Regional”



SCIENTIFIC BOARD ASSIGNMENTS                                                                                  


        Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Engineering, 1990-2015, Elsevier, The Netherlands


        International Steering Board, International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, 1991 -


        International Steering Board, International Conference on Coastal Sediments, 1999 –


        Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Research, 2010-, CERF, USA.


        Chair, Scientific Board, Erosionsskadecentrum, 1993-


INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS                                                                         


        Numerical Modeling of Shoreline Change, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1985-1989


        Development of a Users' Manual for GENESIS, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1990-1991


        Improved Groin Representation in Shoreline Change Numerical Models, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1991-1993


        Integration and Advancement of Coastal Sediment Process Numerical Simulation Models, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1993-1998


        The Baltic Sea system study (BASYS), EC-MAST (Marine Science and Technology Research Program of the European Union), 1996-1999


        Prediction of aggregated-scale coastal evolution (PACE), EC-MAST, 1996-1999


        Soft beach protection and beach nourishment (SAFE), EC-MAST, 1996-1999


        Development of Numerical Models for Simulating Morphological Processes at Coastal Inlets, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1998-2001


        Human Interaction with Large-Scale Coastal Morphological Evolution (HUMOR), European Comission, 2001-2004


        Development of Numerical Models for Simulating Inlet Morphological Processes at Local and Regional Scales, US Army Corps of  Engineers, 2001-2006


        Baltic Master – Case Study Trelleborg, Interreg III, 2005-2007.


        Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies (FloodSite), European Comission, 2005-2008


        European Network of Coastal Research (ENCORA), European Commission, 2006-2009


        Enhancement and Development of Numerical Models for Simulating Coastal Sediment Transport and Morphology Evolution, US Army  Corps of Engineers, 2007-2010


        GENCADE - Development and Validation of a Modeling System for Local and Regional Coastal Evolution, with Emphasis on Coastal Inlets, US Army Corps of Engineers, 2010-2013



INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS                                                                                         


Mozambique, SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). Ph.D. student project. Modeling coastal processes. Sustainable management strategies for coastal areas in Mozambique. 2012-2016. (LU = Lund University)


Seychelles. Linné University Ph.D. supervision, Beach environments in Seychelles and their long term interaction with ecological and human systems. 2008-2009. (LU)


Egypt, SIDA/Suez Canal University, Impact of Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation along the Northern Coast of Sinai Peninsula, 2006-2008. (LU)


Sri Lanka, SIDA/Open University of Sri Lanka, Seasonal closure of coastal inlets, Physical processes and mathematical modeling, 2006-2007. (LU)


Indonesia, Swedish Board of Fisheries/Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Integrated Coastal Zone Management Implementation, 2006-2008. (SSPA)


Vietnam, SIDA/ Center for Marine Environment Survey, Research and Consultation, The evolution and Sustainable Management of the Coastal Areas in Vietnam, 2004-2009. (LU)


Mauritius Ministry of Environment. Integrated Management Approach to Sustainable Extraction of Marine Sand & Stability of Artificial Beaches. 2003. (SSPA)


Portugal, Celbi/Soporcel Coastal Pulp Facility, Outfall evaluation, 2001. (Sweco)


Brazil, Veracel Celulose S.A. Preliminary Design of Barge Port and Works at Ilheus. 1998. (Sweco)


British Guyana, Inter-American Development Bank & Government of Guyana. Shorezone Management Program - Design and Feasibility Study. 1994. (SSPA)


Italy, ICSC - World Laborarories. Impact of Marina on Adjacent Beach Stability at San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy. 1993. (LU)


Spain, Ministry of Public Works, Design of Playa Olympico for the Olympic Games in Barcelona. 1991. (LU)


USA, Regional Studies on Coastal Erosion and Remedial Measures. For US Army Corps of Engineers. Formulation of planning alternatives and remedial strategies. 1985-present. (LU)


Liberia, Liberia Ministry of Lands and Mines. Regional Coastal Erosion - Analysis & Remedial Measures. 1984. (LU)



SWEDISH CONSULTANCY                                                                                                                        


County Administration, 1976 ‑ Water Circulation Studies in Laholm Bay


County Administration, 1977 ‑ Water Circulation Studies in Blekinge Archipelago 


City of Malmö, 1978 ‑ Impact of Land Reclamation on Water Circulation  


City of Trelleborg, 1979 ‑ Wave‑ and Ferry‑motions in the Harbor of Trelleborg 


City of Vellinge, 1979 ‑ Sedimentological Conditions in the Höllviken Bay


County Administration, 1983 ‑ Shore Protection Plan for the Southern Coast of Scania.


City of Lomma, 1983 ‑ Shore Protection at Lomma Beach


City of Vellinge, 1984 ‑ Sand‑dredging and Sediment Supply at Västra Haken


City of Vellinge, 1984 ‑ Höllviken Marina: Design vs. Coastal Processes


Skillinge Fish Industry, 1984 ‑ Localization of Sewage Outlet


Helsingborg Harbor, 1985 ‑ Erosion sensitivity of reclamation


          City of Landskrona, 1986 ‑ Beach Restoration Master Plan


City of Malmö, 1986 ‑ Ribersborg Swimming Pier: Design vs. Coastal Processes


National Forest Enterprise of Sweden, 1986 ‑ Evaluation of Remedial Measures against Beach Erosion on the Island of Ven


City of Vellinge, 1987 ‑ Assessment of Non‑biological Effects of Marine Sand Extraction at Sandflyttan


City of Vellinge, 1987 - Beach Erosion in Skanör/Falsterbo.


City of Ystad, 1987 ‑ Master Plan for Coastal Protection


City of Lomma, 1988 - Lomma Marina - Hydrographical Con­ditions and Design Aspects.


City of Ystad, 1991 - Master Plan for Coastal Protection at Löderup Beach.


City of Vellinge, 1991 - Consequences of Marine Sand Mining at Västra Haken and Sandflyttan


City of Ystad, 1992 - Analysis of Hydrographic and Climatic Data for Ystad Bay


City of Landskrona, 1997 – Harbour Breakwaters and Beach Fill Design at Lindhs Harbour.


Öresund Link, 1998 – Local Scour near Bridge Foundations.


City of Skurup, 1999 – Beach Cliff Erosion near Abbekås Marina


City of Lomma, 1999 – Siltation of Lomma Marina


City of Vellinge, 1999 - Hydrographic and Morphologic Processes at Falsterbo Peninsula - Present Situation, Future Scenarios, and Proposed Measures


City of Trelleborg, 2000 – Intrusion of Seaweed into the Smygehamn Marina.


City of Ystad, 2000 – Beach Fill Design in Ystad Sandskog and Löderups Strandbad.


City of Höganäs, 2001 – Wave Conditions and New Planshape of Mölle Harbour.


City of Malmö, 2001 – Long-Term Sea-Level Changes in Öresund


City of Höganäs, 2003 - Evaluation of wave climate in Mölle Harbour.

City of Trelleborg, 2004 - Development of Smygehamn Harbour.

City of Landskrona, 2004 - Feasibility study regarding an artificial beach in the center of the city.

City of Karlshamn, 2005 - Overview evaluation of hydrographic conditions.

City of Kristianstad, 2005 - Design of beach fill for beach handball at Åhus.

City of Halmstad, 2007 - Coastal erosion in Tylösand: General description and remedial measures.

City of Vellinge, 2008 - Performance evaluation of a beach fill project in Kämpinge.

City of Malmoe, 2008 - Long-term sea level rise: Scenarios, aspects, consequences, and strategies.


Municipality of Mörbylånga, 2009 - Design of an artificial beach.

City of Landskrona, 2009 - Design of breakwater in Landskrona Nyhamn.

City of Vellinge, 2009 - Consequences and measures against sea level rise along the Falsterbo peninsula.

City of Vellinge, 2010 - Morphological consequences of cleaning seaweed from the beaches.

City of Gothenburg, 2010 - Hydromodelling Gothenburg: An integrated tool for river flows, precipitation, storm surges, and seal level rise.

Torekov marina, Båstad, 2010 - Wave and current conditions in and around the marina.

Jan Meyen, Norway, 2010 - Wave run-up and impact of coastal installations.

City of Landskrona, 2010 - Evaluation of dumping of dredge disposal near the island of Ven.

City of Ängelholm, 2011 - Overall inventory and evaluation of coastal erosion in municipality.

City of Malmö, 2011 - Design of breakwater for protecting floating swimming platform.

City of Ystad, 2011 - Environmental Impact Assessment of marine sand excavation at Sandhammaren bank and beach nourishment at Ystad Sandskog.

City of Ystad, 2011 - Documentation of beach nourishment project in Ystad Sandskog.

City of Västerås, 2011 - Design of Beach fill at Lögaräng park, Västerås.

City of Lomma, 2012 - Coastal flooding risk analysis for Strandhusen.

Malexander Village Council, 2012 - Coastal erosion counter measures.

City of Malmö, 2012 - Workshop on rising sea levels and possible measures.

City og Ängelholm, 2012 - Sustainable coastal management plan.

City of Malmö, 2012 - Feasibility study for metro connection Malmö-Copenhagen.

City of Trelleborg, 2012 - Overall coastal inventory - Present conditions and possible remedial measures against flooding and erosion.

City of Ystad, 2012 - Sewage treatment plant - Wave run-up and overtopping.

 City of Malmö, 2012 - Design of open-air swimming/bath pier facility.

City of Kävlinge, 2013 - Strategies against coastal flooding and erosion 2100.

City of Landskrona, 2014 - Extension of the harbor of Borstahusen.

City of Lomma, 2014 - Coastal flood protection dike design.

City of Ystad, 2014 - Comprehensive plan: Coastal climate change aspects 2030.

City of Motala, 2014 - Beach noursiment at Varamobaden: Engineering and socio-economic issues.

City of Vellinge, 2014 - Erosional aspects of open-air swimming/bath pier facility.

City of Gothenburg, 2014 - Gothenburg surge barrier.

City of Järfälla, 2014 - Design of coastal protection structures.

City of Karlshamn, 2014 - Comprehensive plan: Climate change adaptation 2030.

City of Vellinge, 2016 - Climate change adaptation for the Falsterbo peninsula.



SUPERVISED Ph.D. THESES WORKS                                                                                  


Larson, M. 1984-88. Quantification of Beach Profile Change.


Blomgren, S. 1996-2000. Hydrographic and Morphologic Processes at Falsterbo Peninsula.


Erikson; L. 2001-05. Swash Processes and Dune Recession: with an Emphasis on Vessel-Generated Waves


Donnelly, C. 2004-08. Coastal Overwash: Processes and Modelling.


Wamsley, T. 2005-09. Interaction of Hurricanes and Natural Coastal Features – Implications for Storm Damage Reduction.


Nam, P.T. 2006-10. Numerical Model of Beach Topography Evolution due to Waves and Currents.


Hoan, L.X. 2006-10. Long-Term Simulation of Coastal Evolution.


Alain de Comarmand 2011-13. Coastal Management Strategies for the Seychelle Islands. (not finished)

Jaime Palalane 2012-16. Long-Term Coastal Evolution and Management Strategies for Mozambique


Sofia Westergren 2012-16. Storm Erosion – Modeling Physical Processes (not finished)


Caroline Fredriksson 2014-19. Modeling Regional Coastal Evolution


Björn Almström 2016- Nature-based solutions against erosion from ship-generated waves.




SELECTED SUPERVISED DIPLOMA WORKS                                                                        


Adams, G, 1989. "Application of a Shoreline Change Simulation Model," (Dept. of Civil and Systems Eng., James Cook University, Townsville, Australia)


Andersson, P and Mattson, H. 1994. "Determination of Coastal Wave Climate"


Bengtsson, M and Ivarsson, E, 1981. "A System for the Collection and Analysis of Beach Observation Data" 


Bergbom, T and Åberg, P, 1983. "Gauge System for Measuring Waves and Currents in the Nearshore Zone" 


Blomgren, S H. 1992. "Design Criteria for Detached Breakwaters"


Brundell, K and Thornberg, B, 1978. "Physical Model of the Harbour of Trelleborg"


Dahlerus, C-J and Egermayer, D, 2005. "Runup and sand dune erosion along the coast of Ystad - Present conditions and future scenarios"


Emanuelsson, D and Mirchi, A, 2007. "Impact of Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation along the Northern Coast of Sinai Peninsula"


Ericsson,E and Weddig, C, 1980. "Sedimentation and Vegetation Problems Outside the Harbour of Varberg"


Ernstsson, O and Johnsson, U, 1983. "Numerical Model for the Simulation of Shoreline Changes at Oarai Beach" 


Holmberg, R and Åhnberg, H, 1977. "Beach Erosion at Löderup Beach"  


Junel, P. 1997. "Development of Graphical User Interface using Visual C++"


Jönsson, J. and Lindberg, R, 2003. "Coastal Values - A study of the social and economic value of the coastal zone i Ystad municipality." Dept. of Social and Economic Geography.


Larsson, J, 2006. "A history of sand migration and coastal erosion around teh Falsterbo pensinsula." Environmental Science, Malmö University


Malmberg, E. 2000. "GIS-Application in MapInfo to Coastal Problems in South Sweden"


Nilsson, A, 2003. "Evaluation of Functioning of new marinas - Numerical models, physical models, or manual calculations"


Nyman, J. 1999. "A Study of Marinas on the Scanian West Coast - Design vs. Problems"


Pakkan, M, 2006. "Extreme water levels and wave run-up in Falsterbo peninsula, Sweden."


Persson, H and Petersson, A. 1995. "DAKS ‑ GIS based Coastal Atlas for Scania"


Pettersson, M and Johnson, B, 1990. "Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport at Skanör/Falsterbo"


Sjödahl, M and Kalantari, Z, 2005. "Nearshore hydrodynamics at Hai Hau Beach, Vietnam - field measurements and wave modelling"


Sjölin, S and Svendsen, T, 1983. "Investigation of Nearshore Sediment Transport at the Harbour of Gislövsläge"


Rading, A, 1981. "Photographic Method for Studying Breakwater Stability"  


Roupé, S and Sköld, J, 1984. "Siltation of the Harbour of Nyhamnsläge"


Roupé, S and Sköld, J, 1986. "Erosion at Rockley Beach, Barbados"


Thorvaldsson, S and Sigling, D, 1982. "Siltation of the Harbour Gislövsläge"




RELATED EXPERIENCE                                                                                                       


September 1 to October 17, 1980: Visiting researcher, Leichtweiss Institute, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany.


August 15, 1985 to March 7, 1986: Invited researcher, U S Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS, USA.


May 11, 1985: Invited lecturer for the course "Coastal Sediments ‑ Coastal Processes ‑ Coastal Modeling" in connection with the ASCE Coastal Sediments '87 conference in New Orleans.


March, 1987 -: Member of Working Committee on Long‑Term Beach Erosion in the city of Ystad.


December 1, 1988 to July 10, 1989: Post Doctorate researcher, Dept. of Civil and Systems Engineering, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


April 12 to 28, 1989: Invited researcher, Dept. of Public Works, Sydney, NSW, Australia.


September 11 to 15, 1989: Invited lecturer and responsible for "GENESIS Workshop" at US Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, USA.


November 1990: Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Engineering, Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands.


October 28 to November 1, 1991: Invited lecturer for the course "Beach Planform Modeling" at Ministry of Public Works, Department of Harbours and Beaches, Madrid, Spain.


November 1991 to May 1992, Member of Advisory Committee for Environmental Criteria for the Fixed Link between Sweden and Denmark.


May 5 to 25, 1992: Invited Researcher, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.


December 20, 1993 to July 8, 1994: Invited Researcher, Blucher Institute, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA.


1994: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Dynamics '94 - International Conference on Coastal Research in terms of Large Scale Experiments, Barcelona, Spain.


April 7 to 12, 1995: Invited lecturer for the International Workshop/Training Program on "Beach Management in the Mediterranean" in research center Ettore Majorana, Sicily, Italy.


1995: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Dynamics '95 - International Conference on Coastal Research in terms of Large Scale Experiments, Gdansk, Poland.


1995-98: Lecturing on Advanced International Training Programme "Water Resources Management in Developing Countries" sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA.


1995-98: Lecturing on Advanced International Training Programme "Coastal and Marine Development Pollution Prevention" sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA.


August 31 - September 1, 1996: Invited lecturer for the course "Numerical Modeling of Shoreline Change" in connection with the ASCE International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Orlando, Florida, USA.


1998: Member of Scientific Review Committee for Coastal Sediment '99. International Conference on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes, American Society of Civil Engineers, Long Island, New York.


January 19-23, 1998: Giving one-week training course on Coastal Modeling and GENESIS, Sogreah Ingenierie, Grenoble, France


September 5-9, 1999: Chairman PACE workshop, Commission of the European Communities, Marine Science and Technology Programme.


January 11-15, 1999: Invited lecturer at BERM'98, Japanese Seminar on Beach Engineering Research, Kyoto, Japan.


1999: Member of International Technical Paper Committee, Øresund Link Dredging & Reclamation Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.


1999. Invited External Evaluator of Coastal Morphology Monitoring Program and Numerical Modeling for the Control and Steering Group for the Öresund Fixed Link, KSÖ, Sweden.


2000. Invited lecturer for the course "Numerical Modeling of Shoreline Change" in connection with the ASCE International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia.


2001. Invited lecturer in the US Army Corps of Engineer Coastal Inlet Research Program “Technology-Transfer Workshop" in connection with 14th Annual Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Orlando, Florida.


2001: Conference Chairman Coastal Dynamics '01 - International Conference on Coastal Research in terms of Large Scale Experiments, Lund, Sweden.


2001: Invited Key Note address at Conference on Hydrology/Hydraulics and Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


2003: Invited lecturer in the US Army Corps of Engineer Coastal Inlet Research Program “4th Annual CIRP Workshop" in connection with 16th Annual Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Jacksonville, Florida.


2003: Invited Key Note address at 3rd IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Barcelona, Spain.


Jan-Jun, 2004: Visiting professor, Grupo de Puertos y Costas, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.


2004: Invited lecturer for the course "Applied Coastal Engineering as a Tool for Coastal Management" in connection with the ASCE International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.


2004: Session Chairman ASCE International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Port ugal.


2005: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Dynamics '05 - International Conference on Coastal Research, Barcelona, Spain.


2007: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Sediments '07 - International Conference on Coastal Research, New Orleans, USA.


2007. Invited Key Note address at National Workshop on Coastal Disaster Mitigation, Jakarta, Indonesia.


2007: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, Technical University Delft, NL.

2009: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Dynamics '09 - International Conference on Coastal Research, Tokyo, Japan.

2010- : Invited annual lectures on "Integrated Coastal Zone Management" at United Nations World Maritime University.

2010: M.Sc. Thesis Assessor, University of Queensland, Australia.

2010: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, Technical University Delft.

2010- : Invited annual lectures on "The Swedish Environmental Code in Practice" at Faculty of Law, Lund University.

2011: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Sediments '11 - International Conference on Coastal Research, Miami, FL, USA.

2012: Ph.D. Thesis Assessor, University of Queensland, Australia.

2013: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, Technical University Denmark.

2013: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, Technical University Delft.

2013: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Dynamics '13 - International Conference on Coastal Research, Bordeaux, France.

2015: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Sediments '15 - International Conference on Coastal Research, San Diego, CA, USA.

2015: Invited key note at the annual national meeting of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences.

2016: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, Technical University Delft.

2016: Member International Evaluation Committee for the Sand Motor project, The Netherlands.

2017: Member Panel Evaluation Group for the NatureCoast Final Symposium, The Netherlands.


2017: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Dynamics '17 - International Conference on Coastal Research, Helsinore, Denmark.

2017: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, Technical University Delft.

2018: Ph.D. Thesis Committee Opponent, LUCSUS, Lund University.

2019: Member of International Scientific Committee for Coastal Sediments '19 - International Conference on Coastal Research, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, USA.

2019: Invited lecturer for the course "GenCade" in connection with the Coastal Sediments '19 - International Conference on Coastal Research, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, USA.





1986: Simulation model GENESIS adopted as official shoreline evolution model of US Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center.


April 1989: Simulation model GENESIS adopted as official shoreline evolution model of New South Wales Department of Public Works, Sydney, NSW, Australia.


November 1989: GENESIS installed at 13 US Army Corps of Engineers Districts.


January 1993: More than 500 GENESIS installations around the world.


January 2003. More than 1,000 GENESIS installations around the world.



You may find my publications HERE!